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t1_ive4orq wrote

Why would anyone eat more plants? Meat has more nutrients.


t1_ivh8f6r wrote

We they both have nutrients you need. It's about balance. I am not a vegan. Love me aome steak but you really should not eat steak more than a few times a year.


t1_ivh8siw wrote

What are you basing any of that on?


t1_ivh9y53 wrote

I think the studies how animal fats affect the human body have been around for some time and are sound. Essentially I'm saying it common knowledge and has been for a long time.

My mother-in-laws father was a neurologist back in 20s, 30s and 40s. When she was a child she could remember that her father would never allow them to eat fried foods or large amounts of animals fats like what you find in steak. It was lean meats a few times a week, fresh veggies and fresh fruits.


t1_ivhedgp wrote

Maybe the older, not as good quality studies. Newer studies show saturated fat doesn't contribute to cardiovascular disease. Also if you compare the nutrient profile of supposed super foods like kale to a rib eye there is no comparison. Especially when you factor in that most plant nutrients need to be converted to be used and are done so poorly.

Humans have been eating fatty red meats for thousands of years at least so not sure why it would all of a sudden be seen as bad.


t1_ivhf6nf wrote

It's not bad. I never ever said it was bad. You need protein as it is an essential part of the human diet and so is fat. But we don't need that much of it. Too much of the fats and red meat is proinflamatory. It's really about balance. A human cannot live in plants alone nor can they live on meat alone. The two work together. Plant sterols and phenols ant anti-inflammatory and they are also rich in stuff you can't get from meat. And you do need more of it.


t1_ivhna3s wrote

Many people thrive on meat only diets or largely meat with plenty of fat. That made up most of our diet through most of human history if you look into what tribes and ancient people ate.