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adam_demamps_wingman t1_ivdxkdc wrote

In American law enforcement, apparently the only thing required to determine a suspect is Black is announcing the subject is Black.

That’s part of the reason why the FBI states no racial inferences should be made using its annual crime report. Some other reasons not to trust the annual crime report? Incomplete and intentionally inaccurate reporting to the FBI.

BTW, the FBI has stated for decades that white supremacist organizations have been infiltrating law enforcement agencies at all levels of government. Any racial data produced by them should be rejected out of hand.

EDIT: here is an early FBI report on penetration of law enforcement by white supremacist organizations issued in 2006. A redacted copy became public in 2017. This unredacted copy was made public in 2020.


Strazdas1 t1_iveoz0o wrote

another reason not to trust the report - they keep changing the system so most departments cant even report the data properly and get excluded. It got so bad that last year they didnt even release the report due to less than half the departments sending in the data.


vem777 t1_ivfr344 wrote

It is a very good move taken by FBI because there shouldn't be any racial preferences to show about crimes and what kind of crimes that the person have committed.

If any kind of racial data is produced it should be rejected and shouldn't be considered on first hand.


jorg2 t1_ive5fvw wrote

I mean, this report is a nice representation of this fact, no? Police departments are 25% more likely to post about the arrest of a black suspect, this seems like the proof you need to point at a hidden anti-black agenda amongst a significant portion of them.
