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Deyvicous t1_ixl08th wrote

All this missing gravity, and gravity is the problem? The audacity of people xD.

I mean, yea it’s either there is extra mass or there is extra “gravity”. There’s been searches for both for decades, and while progress has been made, neither model has had much evidence…


sticklebat t1_ixm3ok9 wrote

Neither model has had much evidence? Y’all are too hung up on “direct” detection of dark matter. It would be nice but it isn’t necessary. The ΛCDM model has been around for decades and has been making predictions that whole time, and its predictions keep being verified. How is that not evidence??

There is a ton of evidence for dark matter and the ΛCDM model as a whole. The fact that it correctly predicted the CMB power spectrum so accurately is extremely compelling on its own, even if that were the only prediction that it made.


pete_68 t1_ixlrq99 wrote

But 95+% of physicists are working on SM and like 5 guys and a dog are working in a basement on MOND, I guess is my point and SM has made almost no progress on these things in a while. Might be time to start looking at alternatives to SM.


sticklebat t1_ixm51ox wrote

> I guess is my point and SM has made almost no progress on these things in a while. Might be time to start looking at alternatives to SM.

Um, what? First of all the SM of cosmology has come a very long way even in just the past couple of decades. It is not stagnant.

Second of all, most of the specific problems you highlighted are shortcomings of the standard model of particle physics, rather than of Big Bang cosmology itself. And if you think physicists aren’t looking for alternatives and extensions of the standard mode of particle physics then you’re confused. That’s what most particle physicists are trying to do every day. The problem is that it’s hard, it requires huge, expensive, and complex particle accelerators and detectors and that makes progress slow.

TL;DR Most physicists aren’t looking for alternatives of the Standard Model of Cosmology, because it works extremely well and its shortcomings are mostly shortcomings of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Correcting the Standard Model of Particle Physics to account for its shortcomings is literally what most particle physicists are trying to do. Cosmologists switching gears to focus on something like MOND stands zero chance of addressing most of the problems you mentioned, since those problems are particle physics problems, not cosmology ones. You are confused.