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[deleted] t1_ivry8fm wrote

I'm a citizen artist who specialized in improvisation.

I'd argue for an expanded definition of mindfulness that includes practices which enhance one's sense of "presence in the moment" like others have said. Some people call it creative flow. Others just call it plain 'ole flow. Athletes find it. Chefs find it. I'm sure many other professionals across fields find it. It can be found in good conversation or nature too.

In my world, presence/mindfulness means being able to appreciate the details in the moment of the world around me AND not losing my sense of self but maintaining it simultaneously. I didn't come by this through meditation, but through artmaking.

There are countless ways to cultivate one's ability to be present in the moment. :)


True-Canis-Majoris t1_ivshtxq wrote

I totally agree, making art is a form of meditation, getting in a flow state. Sometimes it is simply achievable by petting your dog/cat.