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venetian_lemon t1_iy3re2b wrote

Under the perfect conditions, one would assume a perfect could be made. But that's the trouble, trying to determine what these perfect conditions are. Or if they are morally correct to enact.


Moont1de t1_iy3tv5t wrote

> one would assume a perfect could be made

There really is no such thing, even traits that we often consider disorders such as ADHD or being in the Autism spectrum can lead to increased fitness under the right evolutionary pressures.


Welmarian t1_iy51vug wrote

I'm not sure genes work that way. It is no longer a natural selection process; those genes won't be weened out quite like hundreds of years ago. The only way I see it as possible would be to also introduce gene correction - and religious folks don't like people playing God.

Edited: And yes, environment plays a role in development as previously pointed out.

I guess the God fearing folks don't like the idea of playing God. It's only a matter of time before a culture or country starts correcting genes to create a more well rounded diseaseless as possible people. Anyone think China isn't already on top of this? It's already been done before, rogue scientist or not (HIV immune twins). Yeah they have a decreased lifespan of 20%, but the proof is there. If CRISPR mutates inert genes though, that could prove problematic in the future evolution of humans.


GoddessOfTheRose t1_iy6eghw wrote

ADHD can be caused by a pregnant woman living in a loud environment with very few quiet moments. Something about the noise during the first trimester changes the way the fetus develops.


-downtone_ t1_iy3wgcm wrote

Perfect conditions should indicate no mutation is necessary. I believe pressure makes diamonds.