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nikstick22 t1_ixmm28f wrote

So, this study adds to the existing body of work by noting that the bitter alkaloids in the shells of the cooked seeds were soaked and/or boiled rather than deshelled completely. The authors suggest that deshelling would be easier and more efficient at removing the bitter and astringent compounds and conclude that this indicates that the ancient people preparing this food intentionally used the less effective method in order to retain the bitter flavor.

The title is not referring to any additional seasoning in this body of work, only that the bitter flavors in the food fragments studied were not completely removed.


DMAN591 t1_ixngzk0 wrote

I mean, it could be someone that just sucked at cooking and/or preparing food. It's not like they could search up recipes on Google back then.


QueenRooibos t1_ixogvym wrote

Bitters are good for digestion according to centuries of traditional herbal medicine --- now we can just update that knowledge to "since paleolithic times".