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trashguitarist t1_ixqikg3 wrote

I mean, when I see a comment pre-hidden I get excited


Somehow-Still-Living t1_ixqoagn wrote

Who doesn’t? It’s just interesting to see what was such a bad take that it got hidden.


deletedtothevoid t1_ixterb4 wrote

I'm gonna shoot myself in the foot here. I have done put a comment out trying to show support while also preaching to co exist and work together. I worded it terribly and got bombarded for it.

Not all are bad takes. Some are just people who really can't get the point across clearly. I honestly need a translator with how bad I can be at times.


LessHorn t1_ixu31hq wrote

I relate. It’s difficult to preach co-existence. It requires effort to avoid oversimplifying and to argue for both sides in a nuanced way. It’s quite scary. Binary thinking is prevalent on both sides.