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jupitaur9 t1_iw7agsg wrote

The fart story was spread around a lot. People were interested in it.

Just like the question of whether Walt Disney’s head is frozen waiting for the technology to reanimate it, it’s not important at all. But it’s interesting to enough people to merit an entry on the site.


NadeWilson t1_iw7gxqx wrote

>Just like the question of whether Walt Disney’s head is frozen waiting for the technology to reanimate it, it’s not important at all. But it’s interesting to enough people to merit an entry on the site.

It's on the site because when it started back in the 90's it was literally just for exploring and/or debunking urban legands like that. Like many sites it's evolved and changed since then, but that entry predates most stuff on the site, tbh.


sailor_sega_saturn t1_iw8smpq wrote

90's snopes was awesome. Before the divorce, redesign, ads / sponsored content, and plagiarism. Just good old fashioned web design with a lot of interesting urban legends.


caulrye t1_iw810mm wrote

Ideally, and call me crazy, but fact checking should be motivated by facts and not childish farting.


holyoak t1_iwa6uwc wrote

I can wish people were not obsessed with the Kardashians.

You can wish Snopes didn't write about farts.

Ultimately, the world is a better place when we don't get to decide what other people enjoy or do with their time.


caulrye t1_iwa8bgl wrote

Snopes is an institution with a specific goal. People being interested in Kardashians isn’t comparable.


holyoak t1_iwa9kei wrote

>Snopes is an institution with a specific goal

And that goal is... posting stuff people are interested in.