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WoNc t1_iw7dlrj wrote

If you want them to evaluate the claims prior to establishing the claims and providing critical background information for later readers who may not know what event is being referred to, then you're simply being unreasonable. That is not an effective way to organize and present information.

Additionally, they first mention the unsubstantiated claim that he robbed a pregnant women in paragraph 7, as part of introducing the claims they intended to evaluate.

I do find it very interesting how hung up you are on this pregnant woman bit. You continue to repeat it, despite the fact that it's totally unsubstantiated, and in fact even use it as your motivation for distrusting Snopes. Strange.


HToTD t1_iw7inss wrote

Pull the crime report from whichever source you like. There was a 1 year old child, Amanda Negrete, at the residence Floyd invaded. Whether the mother was again pregnant is not listed, maybe my mistake. I will edit my first post to reflect single mother of one year old, rather than pregnant mother.
