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TheHermitofHuron t1_iwdn3c8 wrote

it took me a long time to build up.

Atm my daily runs are about 7-8 miles. I dont really have ambitions beyond half marathons or 10k s.

I listen to audio books and plotted out a nice course, it is really pleasant.

Good luck, also, a huge part of my working up was walking parts of distance. Even if you walk 95 percent of it, get the distance that you plan for. If 2 miles is it, and you half to walk mile and a half, you are still making progress.


orangutanoz t1_iwe6xun wrote

Yeah, I used to run 3 or more hours steady no problem but I’m not sure about doing it with a fused ankle. Anything has got to be better than what I had. At the very least I’ll now be able to walk on hills and loose terrain like beaches and I’ll be able to balance on one foot again. Even weight training was heavily curtailed and any household chores were pretty much out of the question. Worst six years of my life.