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gunplumber700 t1_iwid8w8 wrote

Do you know how wwtp’s work? It’s not as simple as turning up polymer dosing. Most processes and plants could probably handle it, but not without major upgrades.

The average wwtp has a hard enough time managing effluent quality during “high volume rain events” let alone the hundred year flood that seems to happen every 2 years now…

Add in old, antiquated, crumbling systems, poor planning and upgrading of wwtp’s and it’s not something that’s realistically going to be widespread.

This is for places like LA (who steals water from everywhere else) and Las Vegas. Look at LA’s water loss. In my 5 minute search it looks like they use 10,999 MILLION gallons of water a month. Their water loss is 7%. That means the lose 770 MILLION gallons of clean treated water a month. 770 MILLION gallons of clean potable water is wasted. We’re going to clean and reuse wastewater but we can’t even keep from losing clean water? I don’t think so. When LA stops stealing water from everywhere and they start doing this I’ll believe it.


Ratnix t1_iwitczq wrote

>Do you know how wwtp’s work?

Yes. We do water treatment at my work and I work with it.

>but not without major upgrades.

Of course. But again, why would they do more than they absolutely have to right now if people don't want to drink treated waste water?


gunplumber700 t1_iwiwp6f wrote

I literally told you why. Obviously you’re not an actual water plant worker or you wouldn’t be asking something so stupid right after I told you. If you were you wouldn’t have asked to begin with.

You literally are arguing with yourself right now.