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gunplumber700 t1_iwpw40w wrote

The bigger point is look where source water comes from in LA. Look at all the water they steal from everywhere else. Don’t claim you NEED water if 10-15% of it gets thrown away.

If you went to a gas pump to fill your 20 gallon tank, paid for 25, but still only got 20 would you say there’s a problem? Why it’s acceptable in this industry BeCaUsE iTs ExPeNsIvE is beyond me.

Failing to maintain a distribution system because you don’t want to pay to fix it is just neglect. Regardless of whether poor management practices have set the precedent it’s ok to be negligent they still need to be maintained.

Rate payers will always complain whether valid or not. Years of poor managing and failing to raise rates creates its own set of problems. Incompetent water managers acting like rates can stay the same forever is half the problem.