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PMzyox t1_iwnmyhw wrote

Study of 45 people? So it was like a dude who took a survey at a frat party?


Pr0gr3s t1_iwnxqdq wrote

45 is actually a decent N for a RCT with a within subjects design. The design increases statistical power significantly over a between subjects design, which is likely what you are picturing.


clashmt t1_iwo7rrs wrote

This is such a baseless comment. I really wish the moderators would moderate comments like this. 46 people is actually a better than expected n for a first pass RCT like this.


PMzyox t1_iwo8hr9 wrote

Ok all science based study mathematics aside, if it was really ok to study something on just 46 people and then conclude how all of humanity would react to it, the fda would have been able to clear the Covid vaccines in an afternoon. I understand where you are coming from but the ask from this sample group is unrealistic for the claims


clashmt t1_iwo9j9j wrote

>if it was really ok to study something on just 46 people and then conclude how all of humanity would react to it, the fda would have been able to clear the Covid vaccines in an afternoon.

There is essentially no single study which can make conclusions of that magnitude. That's what meta analyses and systematic reviews are for.

Please show me where the authors overstep their conclusions in ways which are unfounded based on the sample size in the RCT.



>Ok all science based study mathematics aside

Gotta love the presumption that the person you're talking to doesn't have a background in statistics.


dustymoon1 t1_iwno42k wrote

Also, they didn't say if they were mixed pure compounds or not. If not what other compounds are there? It has been shown, with oils with other cannabinoids and terpenes act different. This is a diengenuous study at best.

210C is also too high of a temperature. 210F is enough to vaporize THC/CBD. Vape temp depends on terpenes present, not cannabinoids - THCA to THC occurs at 210F and THC is volatile at that point. They were getting breakdown of THC at that temperature.


[deleted] t1_iwnw89m wrote

Puffco puts out a dialed in e-bong. 232°C, 260, 288, 315, then runs ot through water to cool. 210°C is perfect for this old pothead for concentrates.


dustymoon1 t1_iwnwkg2 wrote

It is a little high in temperature. Many vape companies came from the tobacco industry and nicotine needs higher temps.


jungles_fury t1_iwnqv9n wrote

Aww the Reddit squad of people who only know what sample size is and are clueless about the rest of science. Cute, maybe go back to your kitchen playset


very_spicy_churro t1_iwnt2q9 wrote

Ikr this study barely had enough people to establish the difference between baseline and THC.


hauntedbutt t1_iwoitpt wrote

If effect size is large enough you don’t need that many samples. They, apparently, were able to achieve statistical significance. So, like, your assumptions are wrong ?


very_spicy_churro t1_iwolgey wrote

They were able to find a statistically significant difference between baseline and THC, but not between THC and THC+CBD. What I'm saying is that you need more than 46 people to pick up subtle differences.
