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mazu74 t1_iwnpvxq wrote

I don’t think anyone consumes THC and CBD thinking they’ll be less impaired or less high, quite the opposite really. If you’re not doing it for medical reasons, you take THC and CBD for a better high than THC alone. Kinda a weird study considering it’s obvious to anyone who consumes cannabis, but yet again, studies on cannabis were heavily restricted so maybe this is significant for some other reason than informing the public?


[deleted] t1_iwnzlxe wrote



ShayShayLeFunk t1_iwqkn6u wrote

> You may not have heard of it, but the conventional wisdom is that CBD diminishes the intoxicating effect of THC.

From what I have been seeing CBD lowers anxiety caused by THC


shmorby t1_iwrrfej wrote

And unfortunately it's impossible to find any strains in recreational dispensaries with a significant CBD content because "conventional wisdom" said it reduces the high. I just wanna get high without anxiety but everytime I ask a place for a strain with higher CBD they're puzzled and direct me to cbd only products.


ShayShayLeFunk t1_iwsh6c7 wrote

I am thinking a cbd gummy am hour before might do the trick.


shmorby t1_iwsq5a9 wrote

Usually my go to but its a bit silly when I was younger and strains were more reasonable instead of the pursuit of ludicrous levels of thc and nothing else.


nastyasiwannabe t1_iwr63w3 wrote

never heard that. I always felt it just slowed everything down a bit


Barnowl79 t1_iwoasyt wrote

Are you in Colorado? That was the only place I ever found CBD strains labeled as "medicinal". In the rest of the country we consider cbd an intensity-lowering cannabinoid. We might be wrong but it's definitely the majority opinion.


mazu74 t1_iwpn83v wrote

Michigan, though I’ve never heard of this before. Always just that it produces a better high (and I do smoke CBD with my primarily THC flower so…).


same_ol_same_ol t1_iwoc75u wrote

I have never heard the suggestion that CBD lowers intensity... I'm really surprised to hear it was studied. Can't speak for all of Canada of course


Barnowl79 t1_iwod858 wrote

Read literally any of the pseudo scientific articles in cannabis magazines about the entourage effect in relation to THC, CBD, and anxiety.


mazu74 t1_iwpng48 wrote

That sounds like they’re saying it produces a better high with the entourage effect, not it produces a less intense effect. CBD is certainly known for helping to relieve anxiety, but again, I’ve still never once heard it reduces the intensity of the high itself…