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Surgical_Precisizmn t1_iwrxc5o wrote

Parrot owner here!

Most, no. Some, absolutely.

Most just ignore music, at least in terms of their body motion. Some will bob to it, but just senseless bobbing totally out of sync with the actual beat; others definitely rock out to the rhythm, and whip out better dance moves than most humans are capable of.

Birds vary a ton from one individual to another, even within the same species.


nickstatus t1_iws1iup wrote

Cockatoos in particular get enthusiastic about music


Feed_Your_Dogs_Raw t1_iwuuutw wrote

Let’s see that parrot hold down a job and support 3 kids and then see if he still feels like dancing.


boomerxl t1_iwvr7vm wrote

Cockatoos are great.

They’re either passively disinterested in the world or on it like a one-bird methed up biker gang.


Agile-Cancel-4709 t1_iwrxrlr wrote

That’s a good point…. I know plenty of humans who can’t hold a beat!


CapnCrackerz t1_iwrz477 wrote

You could write this exact same thing about people.


mfb- t1_iwu2efl wrote

"It's not unique to humans" is the point of this thread.