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t1_ixx2rec wrote

> Their results indicate that Dark Triad traits and emotional reactivity are transmitted intergenerationally.

I'm glad they did the research but this seems to have been self-evident for tens of thousand of years.

I suspect that genetic Dark Triad traits are passed on to children who are then raised to enhance rather than mitigate Dark Triad traits.

For a modern example, look at Fred Trump and his son Donald and then his children, etc.


t1_ixyte2m wrote

Of course this is known for 000 years, but such measurement gives a good starting point to genetics research. The culture/education layer on phenotype is very thin, and then it usually turns out that genome was a principal culprit. The united forces of Frankfurt and Christianity will defend the dogma of 'Tabula Rasa'. This is why, following Copernicus who published on his death bed, Robert Plomin published his "Blueprint". The MIT Press, 2018 a few days before retirement.


t1_ixzgmin wrote

> The united forces of Frankfurt and Christianity will defend the dogma of 'Tabula Rasa'.

Which has been proven to be outdated nonsense philosophical dogma centuries ago. We should've really stopped talking about this mental masturbation centuries ago. And certainly not in /r/science. :)

We now know for a fact (supported by evidence) that Nature and Nurture work together on people. And science has revealed how both work to a very large degree regarding virtually everything we know about what shapes and what modifies the human mind. For example, twin studies show that which side of the bread we butter is anchored in our DNA first. However, nurture can train us out of this.

Studies like this provide reinforcement and much needed nuance regarding these ratios between nature and nurture.

For example, if little Donnie Trump had been raised by better human beings, would he still be a criminal, pathological lying, textbook narcissist today? Or would he just be a bad used watch salesmen in Jersey?


t1_iy2867j wrote

You spelt Hillary Clinton wrong.