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wiedmaier t1_iy8xeix wrote

Hey pro-lifers: if you actually care about your principles, now is when you do something.


cesium-sandwich t1_iy92d92 wrote

Can't wait to hear all the reasoned responses to this just come pouring in.


jjdude67 t1_iyaff02 wrote

They need more young people to send into unjust wars....


CompromisedCEO t1_iy8y8ik wrote

Air pollution is bad. It kills millions and this has been known for decades yet here we are 50 years later and still the status quo has not changed.


Gallionella t1_iyaazsu wrote

Pro-Fossil fuel government did that .
People voting for pro fossil fuel government did that and the one that didn't vote that would have voted against pollution as well. You are what you do and you get what you now lets go back to sleep some rich folks need to get richer. Moooo


Itchy-Race6269 t1_iyc6afm wrote

Get involved in local politics. This is the most important step we can do.


ThrowAway640KB t1_iyb6qk2 wrote

> this has been known for decades yet here we are 50 years later and still the status quo has not changed.

Sounds like the future of climate change.

Humanity sucks.


PacmanIncarnate t1_iybm3vh wrote

Progress has been made, however it has not been made consistently across the globe. As populations increase in developing countries, they end up polluting significantly more and haven’t created the stringent rules developed countries have and likely won’t for a long time, as rules slow economic growth, which they desperately need.


filosoful OP t1_iy8tfvl wrote

Almost a million stillbirths a year can be attributed to air pollution, according to the first global study.

The research estimated that almost half of stillbirths could be linked to exposure to pollution particles smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), mostly produced from the burning of fossil fuels.

The study covered 137 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, where 98% of stillbirths occur. Dirty air was already known to increase the risk of stillbirth but the research is the first to assess the number of foetal deaths. The work was based on data from more than 45,000 stillbirths and live births.

Stillbirths were described as a “neglected tragedy” in a 2020 report published by Unicef. The heavy impact of stillbirths on mothers and their families would mean that action to prevent them would boost women’s health and equality, the scientists behind the new work said.

The epidemiological study did not examine how small particle pollution could cause stillbirths. But it followed the revelation in October that toxic air pollution particles were found in the lungs and brains of foetuses. Air pollution particles were first detected in placentas in 2018 and by then dirty air was known to strongly correlate with increased miscarriages, premature births, low birth weights and disturbed brain development.


gearjunkey t1_iya9tpi wrote

The pro life / pro oil crowd should have a field day with this one.


BlishBlash t1_iybpsym wrote

We look back on humanity's ignorance when it came to germ theory/lead/mercury/smoking/etc and laugh, yet here we are knowingly allowing massive amounts of pollution to poison and kill us en masse. I'd like to hope that future generations will be able to look back and laugh at us.


Pangolin27 t1_iyb502k wrote

Let’s see what the pro life crowd thinks about this one.


oodex t1_iy8vhek wrote

I first thought for whatever reason stillbirths cause air pollution and I was ready for a wild ride


R3CKLYSS t1_iy959en wrote

Hahaha the title could be read that way, I had to scroll back up


Alarmed-Accident-716 t1_iy9r0pv wrote

Yeah, for some reason my brain told me the same thing. Then I saw the prolife comments and went back to read it again, your eyes can play tricks on you.


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Im_Talking t1_iy9td28 wrote

We would be literally sick if we knew the toxins/pollutants which we ingest every day. Always thought the debate as to the use of grey-water was ridiculous considering all the toxins we ingest daily.


ionian12 t1_iybnz9v wrote

As a smoker i have for years had to put up with people especially women walking past me being all judgemental sometimes coughing on cue, meanwhile the CO2 from the traffic induces not a cough. Obviously if you were locked in a room with one car or ten smokers you would last all day with the smokers and only about 30mins max with the car. If you are a habitual judge and cough on cue person remember this please cause you fake and full of it.
