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marketrent OP t1_iy1jydt wrote

27 October 2022.


>The study was carried out during the 2018-2019 Five Deeps Expedition, the first manned descent with the submersible DSV Limiting Factor to the deepest point of each of the world’s five oceans, and focused on the amphipod Bathycallisoma schellenbergi which was unexpectedly found in the traps of nearly every trench of hadal depth (between six and 11 kms).

>“We finally had a global specimen collection to test questions that have been around since the 1950s. This led us to question this paradox and wonder if maybe we were looking at multiple but very similar-looking species.” [said co-author Professor Alan Jamieson].

>The study’s first author, Postdoctoral Scholar at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Johanna Weston, said scientists used a short section of DNA to test if all the populations were the same species.

>“The amphipods at the Atacama Trench are likely a new and undescribed species that is very closely related.”


>“We found that overall populations were not genetically mixed between trenches, indicating they were highly restricted to the trench they were collected from,” Dr Weston said.

>“We did find evidence of limited interbreeding between two closely located and connected trenches, the Kermadec and Tonga trenches, which are separated by just 1000km, so surmised some amphipods could have swum across what are relatively shallow depths.”

>Professor Jamieson said the study advanced the field of hadal science, particularly at the intersection of evolutionary and geologic history, providing evidence to show that each of the hadal areas acted like an island-like habitat with populations on separate evolutionary trajectories.

Science Advances, DOI 10.1126/sciadv.abo6672


CaptainMatthias t1_iy2634s wrote

First of all, DSV Limiting Factor is such a perfect name for a ship for many reasons, chief of which is the genius of Iain Banks. Secondly, "hadal" was a new word for me, so I looked it up. It's just the adjective form of Hades. Which seems really appropriate for this sort of research.


bxclnt t1_iy2nrq5 wrote

It's all fun and exploration until Haddie comes up and steals our children.


Fuzzl t1_iy2te7a wrote

If you can work out a deal with him you can get them back 6 months a year.


Decalis t1_iy40hle wrote

I just read The Player of Games for the first time last month, so the name brought an immediate smile to my face too.


Zwets t1_iy2u77h wrote

I wonder if the environment of different trenches is unique enough to actually create noticeably divergent evolution like we see on some isolated islands (a bird like the kiwi filling a space that would normally be held by a rodent, or komodo dragons in the space that would normally be held by a big cat or wolf) Or would the conditions at that depth be so harsh that every trench trends towards the same evolutionary solutions?


Jesh010 t1_iy1xcel wrote

It makes a lot of sense. Much easier/safer to stay in the same trench you always knew.


zipykido t1_iy2d15n wrote

But there's a sexy crustacean in the trench across the road from you.


BasedChadThundercock t1_iy2sebw wrote

You lost the woman of your dreams, but you still have Zoidberg.



[deleted] t1_iy1rxz9 wrote



freddielizzard t1_iy2z48n wrote

The pressure down there is incredible, eight tons per square inch—or about a thousand times the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level.


Silas_Ivan t1_iy1qtwf wrote

They went so deep they came out the other side!


Swamp_Cat t1_iy243st wrote

I bet that motherfucker is delicious


hoehater t1_iy3fhaz wrote

They taste like a cross between shrimp and crab.


Drak_is_Right t1_iy32c70 wrote

I am curious if some proteins and other Parts of cells function any differently in a high pressure versus low pressure environment


Mr-RaspberryJam t1_iy2felh wrote

Very interesting. The deep ocean is an incredible place!


Objective_Reality232 t1_iy3mnt7 wrote

This is what I’m lecturing about in my class this week. We’re talking productivity in the photic zone (upper ~100 m where photosynthesis can occur), and how that region supports most of the food chain at the surface. Then there’s a grey area where nothing really happens then you get to the bottom of the ocean where life flourishes again thanks to black smokers! We’re doing the light bottle/dark bottle experiment this week in my lab.


fresh_dyl t1_iy3w4pz wrote

I wonder if as the oceans warm, this will mimic topographic-driven isolation in mountains.

Basically, it’s the idea that as temperatures rise and species move up to higher elevations (or in this case, down to lower depths), specialization and speciation should rise as gene flow drops. If I’m remembering my ecology classes correctly.


LeftOnQuietRoad t1_iy3hbpv wrote

Cuz if they only could, they’d make a deal with shark, and get ‘em to swap their places, be swimming up that zone, be running with that krill, e-scaping the heat of that vent


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merlinsbeers t1_iy3lal0 wrote

Same as on land. Huh. Anyway...


SalmonHeadAU t1_iy2xfks wrote

Yeah its called a niche. Biology 101.
