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supraliminal13 t1_ixbyhqu wrote

There's a reason why so much of the push behind new vaping laws and anti-vaping commercial campaigns is from the tobacco industry themselves. Now why would they be behind the push. Hmmmm... they don't like people getting off of cigarettes.


tornpentacle t1_ixc4nsy wrote

You're kidding, right? Who do you think owns the vaping brands with the biggest market share? Look into that before spouting this nonsense.


tfks t1_ixc76o7 wrote

Vaping legislation in Canada has completely destroyed small businesses that were producing and distributing juice along with the associated retail locations, which were also small businesses. None of the retail stores I bought juice from had any association with the tobacco industry. The juice producer that I liked the most, which was based in my city, likewise had no association with the tobacco industry. Those businesses are now gone. Soon, my options will be to either buy prefilled pods at gas stations (sound familiar?) or make my own juice, which is not convenient at all and heavily incentivizes the former. So yes, Phillip Morris owns Juul... But I don't buy those and don't want to. I want to go to the shops I used to and buy the juice that was being produced a few kilometers from my house. Government legislation is making it so that supporting Phillip Morris is becoming closer to being my only option.