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Darkhorseman81 t1_iyppujc wrote

This is the same explanation they gave for changes to the brain frorn surfing porn.

But then they did an analysis of the decreased grey matter volume and found that it was more compact and efficient.

Then they found that this compaction and efficiency gain was also seen in master chess players, tennis players, and just about anyone who spent a lot of time mastering a skill.

Then they tried to backtrack and lower the visibility of their initial studies, after the initial Satanic Panic they tried to start.


tornpentacle t1_iypri1k wrote

Do you have sources? You're also implying that this would be the same way, but that's not a very good reason to believe that to be the case.


methyltheobromine_ t1_iyrxgpc wrote

What's efficient is our judgement, that's the issue. We don't experience new things or question ourselves if it's all a set of heuristics. You can't enjoy porn if you don't experience it anymore, if it loses its depth and emotional impact.

The results aren't "Porn makes people smarter". Do you know what else is efficient? Trauma. It's like a cached interpretation. Things = bad, bypassing all the calculations required to get there.