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stiveooo t1_iz3dsm8 wrote

so the same as singapore, they introduced mixed income housing cause going for low only births villas and favelas.

net positive then

i think limiting the access to it would fix that. Not open to everyone but only for those that are trying to fix their issues. +using Face ID scans


Strazdas1 t1_iz43u0g wrote

>Not open to everyone but only for those that are trying to fix their issues.

Then you end up like California. Homeless housing stands half-empty while tent towns spring up the other side of the street. Why? because according to the people in tent towns "they tried to take my freedom to do drugs away".


stiveooo t1_iz4ufmz wrote

no, thats when you arrest everyone doing drugs like in a normal country.


TheLostHippos t1_iz4z4vf wrote


Arresting them will just cost us all more money in the long run. They'll be put into a system designed around recidivism. They don't try and help these people in US prisons, they want the cheap labor.

If you think the solution to drug use is to put them in prison where drugs are just as common, then you're part of the reason we've ended up in this situation.


stiveooo t1_iz4zkck wrote

yes, its better to build pseudo-jails where you can help them by rehabilitation.

Either way the California way its the worst one cause they spend the most and get almost nothing.


Strazdas1 t1_iz4wu2o wrote

This is united states of america. Acting like a normal country is not allowed.