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optagon t1_iz7333f wrote

I don't buy it. In the winter I will stay at home alone much more and in the summer I will spend time in parks, going to parties and concerts. But even in my isolation I am kinda sick all winter, every winter.


jdeko t1_iz7s3ch wrote

Are you all people?


jEErc t1_iz9ctfj wrote

Of course they are. Well it depends on your mood though. We can't just argue something we can't control.


AlpLyr t1_iz8r40s wrote

Please recognize that your habits and behavior changes do not necessarily apply to everyone else. And that one is typically not very good at gauging what others do.

But I assume you go to work in the winter too? And get groceries, etc? Places where you meet other people…


bobbi21 t1_iz8r8jt wrote

Ypu go to work i presume.. and other people srent like you amd spend time with people and get sick and infect you.

If you were really isolated you would never get sick.


aliceblackhoney t1_iz95k65 wrote

Same here. Well but I prefer more on winter season, it so peaceful for me. But summer is also great too.