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sonia72quebec t1_izeiqgf wrote

As a woman with asthma and depression, I have been having dizzy spells sporadically after getting Covid two years ago. A weird dizzy feeling that makes me throw up and be really sensitive to light. It can take 2 to 5 days to get better.

Not fun at all.


Ruralraan t1_izfqqoo wrote

Sound like side effects of a migraine without the typical migraine pain, which can be a thing. I developed a severe form of migraine after. Maybe have a look into it.


Time-Lime t1_izghaq8 wrote

Vestibular migraine I believe is what it is. There are medications for it.


jaypp_ t1_izgxjpu wrote

Someone I know who gets dizzy spells was diagnosed with Meniere's disease that only manifests in adulthood - but I think there were other symptoms to do with hearing etc.


sonia72quebec t1_izgxvm8 wrote

Thanks for the info. My hearing is more than fine. I can hear sounds that most people can’t. :)