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Songmuddywater t1_izfaeed wrote

And you just said that a teenage girl should be prosecuted for using pepper spray to stop a rapist. At this point it doesn't matter where you are from or where the story is from. You just said that a child should go to jail for not being raped. You are a perfect example of why Sweden hates women!! You went to import as many people as you can who hate women and believe that a woman walking on the street is acting to be raped. Then you want to put women in jail for fighting back.

Sweden hates women. Prove me wrong.


Kenail_Rintoon t1_izfd6ky wrote

Again, try to read what I'm writing. She will get a small fine for "minor weapons violation". If it's anything like Sweden a 17 year old would get maybe a 150$ fine. It also has nothing to do with defending herself. If she had used it unprovoked there would be assault with a weapon charges but since it was in self defence there won't be any charges for that. I have no idea why she was arrested as normal procedure would have been to just call her parents to come get her.

I already proved that Sweden doesn't hate women . On the other hand you should cool it with the blatant racism. Calling every immigrant a rapist is not only wrong but incredibly racist.