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Ringo_1956 t1_izw6bh7 wrote

It's likely because of a lack of income and fear of being disabled and unable to ever work again. It's great to be off if you have sick time and disability insurance, but not many do


silverback_79 t1_izwdy8b wrote

I've been on sick leave for three years due to injuries, every year the compensation gets reduced, I survive (barely) on $1060/month atm. The depression is real. The anxiety is realer. Currently seeing group therapy to stop relying on putting my hands under a hot water faucet to stop the grinding recurring negative thoughts.


nahtorreyous t1_izwg8jz wrote

Or how many people live to work. When that's taken away they realize they don't have hobbies or anything else to pass the time.


gortonsfiJr t1_izwsgcq wrote

If you’re sick/injured enough to be off work long term, you’re almost certainly unable to participate in many hobbies that you otherwise would enjoy.


thatguy2137 t1_izx7ebd wrote

Currently about to go back to work after 2 weeks off with a fractured arm. The novelty of being off work wore off after 3 days without being able to do a lot of my hobbies.


allnamesbeentaken t1_izxgqus wrote

Is this the prevailing opinion on reddit? I was off work for almost 4 months following a shoulder surgery, and I quickly started to feel useless without anything to do do for those 4 months. Money wasn't a concern at all, I was still making essentially the same if I had been working, but doing nothing takes its toll.


Elendel19 t1_izxvevv wrote

I don’t find it difficult to keep myself entertained at home and there are plenty of things to do around the house to be productive. I took a voluntary lay off for 2 months like 2 years ago and it was the best 2 months of my adult life by far.


allnamesbeentaken t1_izy9rtd wrote

A 2 month furlough is different than disability though, I couldn't do much with only one arm. TV and video games get old pretty fast, and it's difficult to be productive when you're laid up.


tacticalcraptical t1_izxiosd wrote

I have both (even thought my insurance is pretty lousy) but even then, there is the always present anxiety about how far behind you'll be when you get back or that someone is going to somehow hold the fact that you were out sick for a long period against you.