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Robo-Connery OP t1_j03o271 wrote

Absolutely, NIF will continue to find efficiencies and new strategies and smash this record. There have also been an absurd number of lessons learned from NIF and as such the experiments carried out today have compromises that have adapted the initial design due to these lessons. A next generation machine could incorporate these lessons from the start and make no such compromises.

So there is so much more room for this result to grow but the level they need to improve to reach anything that can be called power generation is extreme, at least 3 orders of magnitude more in power generation and at least 5 orders of magnitude in repeat rate (MCF who I will sound like I am shilling for is probably only looking for 1-2 orders of magnitude improvement in confinement time and energy output).


[deleted] t1_j03p9pj wrote



Robo-Connery OP t1_j03tc32 wrote

I can't see ICF being an energy source in even the long term future (would love to be wrong). Tokamaks maybe by 2050-2060 for the first significant power producing power plants and how widespread they are is as much an economics as physics question.