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StateOfContusion t1_j07fgse wrote

Not necessarily smarter, just better educated in their fields.

I'm going to hire an electrician to replace my breaker panel. Is he smarter than me? In his field of expertise, 100% he is. Could I learn it if I dedicated 5 years or so? Absolutely.

Just don't ask me to learn and understand quantum mechanics. That's probably outside of my realm.


clayeos t1_j07t2hu wrote

This is very true. Thank you. I appreciate that.


Gwtheyrn t1_j08c437 wrote

Anyone who says they understand quantum mechanics doesn't.


Bakemono30 t1_j08qbjd wrote

I don't understand quantum mechanics


garbage-pale-kid t1_j090pvi wrote

I tend to trust people more when they say "I get the gist of it".


Gwtheyrn t1_j09og8p wrote

Yeah, I understand some concepts about "this is the way things are."in rough, layman's terms, but not the how's and whys.


nsfbr11 t1_j0960k8 wrote

Just not true. What is true is that quantum mechanics has limits.


Baseball_bossman t1_j09111q wrote

“ If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don’t understand quantum mechanics.” - Richard P. Fleynmen


popejubal t1_j09jebm wrote

I read all of these comments and I’m fairly certain that most of what I read was definitely words. That’s about as far as I got.