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thruster_fuel69 t1_j1nghh4 wrote

Even if people are "honest" it's too subjective and interdependent on complex and personal dynamics that no one study will capture it properly.

I beg you to give me an example of a consistent, repeatable story that emerges from more than 2 social science studies. So far I just see you have strong opinions and love your job. That's great and all, but doesn't change my mind.


Calfredie01 t1_j1nhx18 wrote

Literally just look into the homophily principle as I stated. Maybe I should’ve mentioned that in the TL:DR. But that one has several countries and differing types of social circles it’s been studied in.

Another classic in my field is Granovetters “strength of weak ties”. It’s a classic but a little dated and was foundational for SNA. Brashears “The weakness of tie strength” modernized the theory and strengthened it. Those two studies and those related to them will cite multiple studies finding similar things.

Honestly your question is so easy to answer it leads me to believe that you’re likely parroting something some physics bro told you, but never actually looked into it yourself.