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Iamjimmym t1_j1oba5x wrote

I have two kids - both eat roughly exactly the same. One is a physical powerhouse, lithe and acrobatic. The younger is heavier, physically denser, and has a tougher time keeping up. They’re less than a year apart, same mom and dad, and the youngest is half an inch shorter and outweighs his older brother by.. 15-20 lbs? It definitely has an effect.


Prudent_Cat_7651 t1_j1oc3cu wrote

Yeah my other son is also the opposite he’s 4 years younger and I have seen a complete difference in how they are treated. Also the older one has a therapist he has talked to her a lot about it all.


Iamjimmym t1_j1oc9o9 wrote

Even just the way my own parents treat them differently is depressing for me. Reminds me of childhood. Ugh. Now I’m gonna have to have another talk with them about this. Glad it came up, but ugh.


Prudent_Cat_7651 t1_j1ogl0x wrote

100% I always try to talk to the grandparents as I’m trying to work as a team instead of coming at them like they are doing something wrong. An argument never helps a child everyone has to be on the same page.