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Moont1de t1_j15cii4 wrote

Climate change is geography… but in the US geography is not in the SATs so students don’t care about it


Discount_gentleman t1_j15uohj wrote

This refers to college level textbooks


Moont1de t1_j15v374 wrote

Weird, in Brazil we learn about climate change in middle school


Discount_gentleman t1_j15vir4 wrote

In the US, many states either frown upon any discussion of climate change in public school textbooks. If publishers can't get the textbooks approved for important segments of the public school market, they won't bother publishing them at all.


Mirrorflute88 t1_j168gup wrote

Biology isn’t on the SAT either. Students definitely care about subjects that aren’t on the SAT because that’s everything outside of English and math.


xAfterBirthx t1_j16do5e wrote

Yes, if anything most people do care as much about the subjects on the SAT haha


SophiaRaine69420 t1_j16er0e wrote

Climate change is also biology. Different temperatures = different environmental factors = encouragement of growth of cells not native to current temps/environments


DukeLukeivi t1_j17atlx wrote

Actually it's electromagnetic physics intersecting with molecular structures. Everything else is accessory after the fact, but not enough focus is given to the physical facts that are the basis of the idea.

Can you actually describe what happens -- CO2 goes into the atmosphere, and then what? How does it make things warmer?


Moont1de t1_j17b2aq wrote

The origin of the current degree of climate change we are observing is anthropogenic, ergo geography.

The mechanism is secondary to that.


DukeLukeivi t1_j17c833 wrote

That's a bizarrely obtuse classification you're using, human action is compounding the physical basis of the concept, so the physics don't matter? Saying "people does it," is meaningless without being able to explain how.

Climate change should feature pretty prominently in physics, chem, bio, as well as geography; all branches are effected/contributory.


Moont1de t1_j17cc9h wrote

I never said the physics do not matter, my recommendation is you actually read what I wrote instead of being outraged about what you imagined.


DukeLukeivi t1_j17cici wrote

The physical basis isn't secondary in any way tho, and it of course isn't solely the concern of geography.


Moont1de t1_j17cmj8 wrote

I didn’t say it was solely the concern of geography, but it is primarily a geographical phenomenon.


DukeLukeivi t1_j17d109 wrote

No it's geography built on biology built on chemistry built on physics and understanding at all the levels is important, what with the drastic ramifications to the entire geosphere.


Moont1de t1_j17d32a wrote

I agree that understanding at all levels is important