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PM-me-your-moogles t1_j21h4pi wrote

The way I see the data, is let's say if you Google suicide squad, when suicide squad is released in theaters, they would say "When Suicide Squad comes out, the searches for suicide go up." Well we can correlate that to the movie and assume that uptick is NOT from suicidal people.

I imagine the average google searches per day for "suicide squad, etc", factor into the average searches per day even long after the movie is out.

So if anti-lgbt legislature hits the news, and the searches for suicide go up...we can safely assume that uptick is not from people searching up movie titles more...but probably from the LGBT community which already has higher suicide rates in general because of social stigma. that hurts LGBT people goes out, searches for suicide go up... It's pretty point a to point b.


[deleted] t1_j21s8ap wrote



ZSpectre t1_j220of7 wrote

Eh, they were just using a hypothetical example to demonstrate how we interpret data based on context in general. Nitpicking how the hypothetical example doesn't fit the validity of the population kind of misses their point since that wasn't what they were trying to explain.