Aggressive_Ad_2140 t1_j2cya7a wrote
Yes, but don't mistake correlation to cause. Would make more sense it is related to social status or upbringing.
[deleted] t1_j2d2as5 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2d54xl wrote
[deleted] t1_j2d9xyq wrote
SquidDrive t1_j2da0cv wrote
Hmmm I wonder with all that dating violence, Texan might need some medical care.
[deleted] t1_j2dbfu6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2dbk4x wrote
440then420 t1_j2dczi9 wrote
Dating violence and non- contraception use sounds like the two main bullet points of date rape.
[deleted] t1_j2dfn23 wrote
Sculptasquad t1_j2dhcc6 wrote
>higher noncontraception use
Do you mean lower contraception use?
Sculptasquad t1_j2dhjqt wrote
"Low social status and poor upbringing" are you describing conservatism?
[deleted] t1_j2dijz4 wrote
Grey___Goo_MH t1_j2dkk1h wrote
But without the sex education i guess they’re calling it dating violence
Texas education after all just change the wordage for effect
[deleted] t1_j2dko40 wrote
ninelilypetals t1_j2dkuec wrote
A few years ago I did a Masters paper on American sex education. Data out of Texas was shocking. Texas' 'preferred' lesson plan is abstinence-only. Texas holds the record for the most MULTIPLE teen pregnancies. Think of the short time window that a person is a teen and now cram two or more kids in that window while STILL not knowing where babies come from.
Texas textbooks have to be approved by a school board (think conservative parents) and have historically downplayed the effectiveness of contraceptives in an attempt to discourage teens from having sex, but actually end up encouraging teens to not use them at all since they're 'not effective'. A change was passed in 2020 that went into effect this past August, so the ripple effects are yet to be seen. the article even quotes the influence of these boards - "Textbook companies look to Texas to set their standards for the rest of the country because we are such a large textbook purchaser,” Dr. Rayne said. “So it’s not just a Texas issue. We have to consider the way the Texas State Board of Education policy is impacting education on a national level.”
This ignorance also affects the STD rates among teens. For my paper found a study that stated 2/3 of students not only engaged in sex, but also regularly engaged in oral & anal. That paper worked off the premise that the teens were looking to avoid pregnancy but ended up not only contracting STDs at a high frequency but also contracting them multiple times (lesson never learned).
An then the lovely cherry on top is that Texas ranks among the lowest per capita for insured citizens. So, not only have they been aggressively shutting down affordable locations such as Planned Parenthood, they also don't offer many affordable options leaving new mothers or infected individuals with hospital and treatment bills.
Texas is not a safe place to raise a child.
3600MilesAway t1_j2dmkpw wrote
This is not a causal study, they are findings.
[deleted] t1_j2dmtr8 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2dolo7 wrote
BewBewsBoutique t1_j2dpmvh wrote
Texas also won’t publish their maternal mortality data… and teenagers are more likely to experience complications compared to fully developed adults.
BewBewsBoutique t1_j2dpqha wrote
No, dating violence and date rape are different, even though they often hold hands.
[deleted] t1_j2dq817 wrote
GroundbreakingWeb963 t1_j2dsavo wrote
Why was a study needed? Has nobody met a texan?
[deleted] t1_j2dslrc wrote
snowstorm556 t1_j2dt0y3 wrote
Republicans don’t like birth control age of consent is like 16 most places. there needs to be things in place for teenagers that want birth control whose parent’s wont let them when they turn 16. If they can consent to a life altering decision they should be able to get contraceptive.
[deleted] t1_j2dt7v3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2du15z wrote
[deleted] t1_j2dvvne wrote
crazyjkass t1_j2dwyc8 wrote
They published it a few days ago. It's 20% higher than last year.
BlazinAzn38 t1_j2dxb9y wrote
The tribune did an excellent write up on it as well
[deleted] t1_j2dxfvv wrote
Rhesus_TOR t1_j2dy08b wrote
Isn't date rape a subset of date violence? That is, date violence is more than just date rape, but all date rape is considered a type of date violence.
[deleted] t1_j2e4o1o wrote
Ph0T0n_Catcher t1_j2e5r0w wrote
Wait, they're allowed to beat women still? Thought it was just the Bibles.
[deleted] t1_j2ebq1n wrote
neglectedselenium t1_j2eest7 wrote
Judging by their voting patterns, they don't need it.
[deleted] t1_j2eev5x wrote
dangelem t1_j2egi4e wrote
Omg I cannot imagine being a teenager and not knowing where babies come from. Withholding that knowledge from someone should be considered abuse
R3alTim3 t1_j2eldld wrote
Sex education classes in public school is not where students learn “where babies come from.”
R3alTim3 t1_j2elnz9 wrote
I suppose lower contraception use could be due to lower sex. But higher non-contraception use suggest they are having sex bit without contraception.
[deleted] t1_j2emaus wrote
texasmuppet t1_j2encsq wrote
My sample size is working at a movie theater as a teenager in Texas circa 2010 and being the only one who’d had good sex education. Years later I am deeply saddened by the friends I had there who didn’t even understand at the time that they were being sexually assaulted in their interaction with dudes because horrible behavior by grown ass men as well as their peers was so normalized.
[deleted] t1_j2envhs wrote
[deleted] t1_j2eoy57 wrote
mdielmann t1_j2erh14 wrote
It shouldn't be, but do you think extremely conservative parents are giving them accurate, detailed, unbiased information at home?
mdielmann t1_j2erozk wrote
Anyone who can get pregnant should be able to get contraceptives without another person's consent.
snowstorm556 t1_j2et1kr wrote
I only said 16 because if anyone below that gets pregnant it becomes crime territory.
SaintGalentine t1_j2et627 wrote
The staye of sexual wellness in the South is truly depressing. I grew up in MA, one of the best states for education and children, and our public school covered anatomy and abusive relationships in both middle and high school. (There wasn't really any talk on contraceptives, though) I now teach in the South, and there are laws on the books that specifically state that public school teachers must emphasize "abstinence until marriage" and materials explaining the mechanics of same-sex activity are essentially banned. Our district, the largest in the state, makes it an optional unit that can only be taught in the 7th grade science curriculum.
mdielmann t1_j2eu6qz wrote
Well, age of consent in Texas is 17, I'm pretty sure people under 17 are still having sex, and I'd prefer those who could get pregnant from rape have unfettered access to contraceptives, as well.
RonPMexico t1_j2evhku wrote
Condoms are available for anyone at any age in Texas.
RonPMexico t1_j2evk6t wrote
They are in Texas.
RonPMexico t1_j2ew2c8 wrote
Yeah it's a real shame the schools aren't teaching kids how to give blow jobs and have anal sex. It's like some people don't get that's what schools are for.
[deleted] t1_j2ew2df wrote
kinenbi t1_j2exck1 wrote
It is, actually.
SaintGalentine t1_j2exwlp wrote
Is explaining a penis entering a vagina also telling students how to? Teachers don't want minor students involved in sexual activity, but we're trying to prepare them for what they might see outside of school, especially since some are unfortunately already at that point.
Schools are for building foundational life skills and (hopefully) correcting misinformation students encounter. I'd rather students get a factual explanation from a teacher than learn from tiktok or porn, which most middle school-age students have already been exposed to. There's more lgbt youth than ever, and way too many think that since they can't get pregnant, there's no need for precautions or can't be abused.
TypingGetUBanned t1_j2eyjdn wrote
I think his point was that students learn where babies come from earlier.
Or maybe he's just spewing nonsense.
RonPMexico t1_j2eyml6 wrote
I agree with you. I was talking about those ignorant bigots who think a school should teach math, reading, and science. Clearly, schools are already doing so well with those subjects they have time for extra stuff. There are some backward mouth breathers out there who believe sex should be taught by parents even though it's uncomfortable and yucky.
[deleted] t1_j2eypye wrote
Commercial-Life-9998 t1_j2f1hjm wrote
Women on contraceptives have some rational forethought about sex and they are reminded every day when they take their pill: watch out don’t let sex destroy your life.
OrangeJuiceOW t1_j2f1uh8 wrote
This can't be the case because governor Abbott has delivered on his public promise of eliminating all rape, so I don't understand how this could happen.
LethKink t1_j2f5e07 wrote
They break if you don't know how to put them on properly. And %1 ineffective is better than not.
snowstorm556 t1_j2f5gos wrote
I mean we are talking about teens who DONT know how.
[deleted] t1_j2f5o8l wrote
LethKink t1_j2f5yav wrote
Because when adults talk about sex education in school we mean sex skills. Not information.
infiniteanomaly t1_j2f69h5 wrote
It's a bit older (2005) but there's an interesting documentary centered around a teen in Lubbock, TX who advocated for comprehensive sex ed. It's called "The Education of Shelby Knox".
RonPMexico t1_j2f6an2 wrote
What exactly is the point you are trying to make?
LethKink t1_j2f6btc wrote
What are you talking about? Sex education is science based. It doesn't matter who teaches it, so long as it is accurate and informative.
LethKink t1_j2f6fwq wrote
From a political science perspective. Bingo
RonPMexico t1_j2f79vi wrote
I agree it doesn't matter who teaches it as long as it's schools!
[deleted] t1_j2f7vxt wrote
LethKink t1_j2f93um wrote
That sex education isn't about how to have (better) sex.
RonPMexico t1_j2f9v05 wrote
Yeah, just the "mechanics" I get it. My point was in agreement with the other commenter. We both think the "mechanics" of blowjobs and anal sex should be included in public schools. I think you agree with me. It's the public schools job to teach kids about a very intimate personal thing like sex and not parents.
[deleted] t1_j2faxzg wrote
Brokenspokes68 t1_j2fc0ns wrote
None of this is surprising. It's important that we have data so thank you.
FuckThisPostTruthEra t1_j2fct8u wrote
DAMN that’s a high increase. Is it because so many are antivaxxers?
RiotingMoon t1_j2fdzif wrote
kids don't know to go to obgyno
[deleted] t1_j2ffa7p wrote
cattledogcatnip t1_j2ffles wrote
I’m in CA and was taught abstinence only as well.
queenringlets t1_j2fgepf wrote
Not if they get pregnant via another teen.
heresyforfunnprofit t1_j2fglhy wrote
>Think of the short time window that a person is a teen and now cram two or more kids in that window while STILL not knowing where babies come from. people really believe that modern teens don't know how babies are made?
[deleted] t1_j2fi2qt wrote
jtaustin64 t1_j2filwt wrote
I grew up in the South and our school let parents pull their kids out of sex ed if they felt it was inappropriate. Needless to say, most of my sex ed was self taught.
[deleted] t1_j2fixkt wrote
butterflyingaways t1_j2fjmuv wrote
It’s because they banned abortion since last year.
hockeyd13 t1_j2fk48x wrote
Condoms have a efficacy rate of 98%
[deleted] t1_j2fkip9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j2fkksi wrote
reddituser567853 t1_j2fktq0 wrote
I don't think "accurate, unbiased" describes public schools
[deleted] t1_j2fm9i5 wrote
TekkDub t1_j2fmkpy wrote
Not true. Governor Abbott deleted all of the rapists in Texas a few years ago.
TheGreat_War_Machine t1_j2fo8gn wrote
Students learn it as early as middle school in biology. The study of meiosis will inherently lead to at least a passing mention of "oh yeah, the whole sperm and egg thing, that applies to us humans too."
snowstorm556 t1_j2fojof wrote
Condoms dont work when you’re raped because they’re probably not wearing one. Thats why alternatives need to be available
TheGreat_War_Machine t1_j2foql5 wrote
Do the vast majority of teens/children under the age of consent that contract STDs get them from adults?
[deleted] t1_j2fphir wrote
EmilyU1F984 t1_j2fra5g wrote
Nah. They know porn. But peer to peer education is massively lacking in getting across facts.
They really do not know how pregnancy happens. They believe all the old wives tales about preventing pregnancy.
These are the people doing coke douches cause some other idiot told them, instead of getting plan b
Sanatori2050 t1_j2frgtb wrote
They may know where they come from, but a lot are told outright lies about how to make them or what actually will lead to their having them.
Dirttinator t1_j2ftswh wrote
God BLESS America the greatest country on this planet
[deleted] t1_j2fuorm wrote
leenpaws t1_j2fupk1 wrote
so, is texas just one big trailer park?
[deleted] t1_j2fwvdl wrote
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