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Cyathem t1_j0phli1 wrote

>Which you can’t assume readers will be responsible with this information. Therefore, an irresponsible article.

"Lay people cannot be trusted with information. They are too stupid to think for themselves and need to be told what to think."

What an anti-scientific take. Do better.


HighNoon1200 t1_j0po4xu wrote

No there’s no reason to rush out an under researched article. Science needs to do better.


Cyathem t1_j0qsunq wrote

It's not rushed out. If you read the actual paper, it literally says across every single page that it is still in the process of review. If you choose to disregard that information and take it as truth, that's you not understanding how the system works. It's no fault of the researchers and no indication of the quality of the research.

Source: I write and publish scientific papers for work.