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ExquisitExamplE t1_j2kb8u5 wrote

Can we really take them seriously if they haven't ruthlessly pillaged a country for it's natural resources while at the same time turning it's cities into a charnal house? Don't forget to loot the central bank on your way out! Thanks, Iraq!


Rafaeliki t1_j2oeij1 wrote

My Tibetan friend is saying this all the time.


ExquisitExamplE t1_j2oiwrn wrote

He liked it better when the Dalai Lama was running a quasi-feudal allotment of fiefdoms for wealthy local barons, gotcha. Do you also have a friend who was a Cuban casino owner under Batista? Or maybe they owned a brothel?


Rafaeliki t1_j2ojcrg wrote

This is the same argument that colonialism apologists make to defend Western colonialism.

Batista was overthrown by his own people in a revolution. Tibet is occupied by China.

Like, are you a fan of Saddam Hussein or something? Do you think Hussein being a horrible dictator justifies the US invasion of Iraq?


ExquisitExamplE t1_j2ok1lo wrote

Indeed, Western intelligence operators are becoming increasingly adept at weaving the emancipatory language of liberation into their screeds. Fortunately, the immortal science, along with a careful inspection of actual historical precedent, allows us to separate the proverbial wheat from the epistemological chaff.


Rafaeliki t1_j2okuut wrote

That's just a fancy way to say imperialism is fine when China does it.

Emancipatory language never justifies imperialism whether it is the US or China.


ExquisitExamplE t1_j2olzl2 wrote

>That's just a fancy way to say imperialism is fine when China does it.

No it isn't, and if that's what your interpretation is, then you need to buck up on your reading comprehension.

It's saying that we have the history available, and China's imperial footprint has been minimal, almost negligible when compared against the US or nearly any European nation. They've acknowledged their overreach in Vietnam, there's little to accuse them of beyond that. But go off, king.


Rafaeliki t1_j2om9d6 wrote

You just a second ago justified Chinese imperialism in the case of Tibet.


ExquisitExamplE t1_j2orh23 wrote

As I pointed out previously, Tibet as it existed prior to Chinese intervention was far more feudal and impoverished by every measurable metric. Compare that against, oh I don't know, Haiti or maybe Guatemala. The comparison is startling.


Rafaeliki t1_j2ov0vr wrote

You can say that about a lot of colonized nations.


ExquisitExamplE t1_j2oy30x wrote

No you can't. I specifically noted two nations where that's not the case, and there are dozens if not hundreds more.