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Forthac t1_j2k54rt wrote

This sounds a lot like Somatogravic and Somatogyral Illusions.

> When sensory stimulation from the angular motion of the head and of the aircraft occur simultaneously in two different planes - for example interrupting looking ahead to look up to an overhead panel whilst the aircraft is also in angular motion.


CaptLakeEffect t1_j2la30r wrote

Yep, those illusions have killed a lot of pilots driving the plane down into the ground thinking they were about to stall or vice versa. Move your head quickly after rotating on a 0/0 takeoff and take your eyes off the gauges and you’ll bet your life on the wrong direction of travel of where the plane is going.


PresentationJumpy101 t1_j2qfkft wrote

Amazon prime 767 crash excellent example, on video too.

The approach was stable but the FO sensed a stall and pushed the nose down into the Everglades


singularineet t1_j2nopxn wrote

Came to post this. It is a well known and studied phenomenon. There's even a Bayesian explanation, from like fifteen years ago.