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StephenTexasWest t1_j2n8eom wrote

Because familiarity is what we perceive as attractive.

And AI is an amalgam of what is familiar.


phdemented t1_j2ncnfa wrote

Was gonna say the same thing a different way... The ai was trained to look for certain features, and then artificial faces are generated to have those things, so it makes sense in a way.


tornpentacle t1_j2nv994 wrote

I would like to add a counterpoint: namely, that AI is not an amalgamation of what is familiar, because familiarity to humans is a result of a whole host of cognitive biases. An AI probably takes more factors/features into account than a human would if he were given the same task (to create a realistic face). But I don't know exactly how the model was trained, so it's all conjecture.


ModernistGames t1_j2nu4ka wrote

We also perceive attractive people as more trustworthy and comforting, even as babies.