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Charyou-Tree t1_j2nlxs2 wrote

I think this study has it backwards unfortunately.

Some people decided they hate wind farms, and they'll believe whatever they need to believe to justify getting rid of them.


CardioKillsYourGains t1_j2ocbhi wrote

I'd probably hate wind farms too if they suddenly put one near my house and I had to deal with the low frequency oscillations driving me insane.

20hz noise is like a subwoofer that you can't hear but you can feel. It's the kind of frequency they use in horror movies to unsettle the viewer without them being able to hear it. It would make you question your sanity and become paranoid about all noises.

I know there are no physical health effects but I don't think most people would be able to deal with that. Of course, this only affects people within a few kilometers of them. At homes measured 600m from a wind farm, low frequency noise levels were 63dB. That's significant.,-Long%2Dterm%20measurements&text=Infrasound%20from%20wind%20turbines%20could,cases%20below%20background%20infrasound%20levels.