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YooperScooper3000 t1_j2plxno wrote

That’s good to know. Unfortunately, one of my friends had a baby with its head in the wrong position and she was given a c-section. And another had a breach baby that was given a c-section. I guess it depends upon how the baby is doing? Maybe some doctors don’t have the patience?


howthefocaccia t1_j2povbw wrote

‘Your biggest risk factor for Caesarean section, is the hospital you choose for your care’ - Dr Neel Shah, Harvard Medical.


Banana_Skirt t1_j2rdy1l wrote

It's also a cycle in a way. The more doctors do c-sections for breach births then the less experience they have with doing vaginal breach births. At a certain point, you don't want a doctor with no to little experience trying to do it.


Zestfullyclean87 t1_j2q7abm wrote

And in some places, that’s illegal to knowingly facilitate a breech birth in that way