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bskeso t1_j6l6hkf wrote

Would you mind sharing what helped you? I have a friend in recovery who did nothing else but stop using by getting on Suboxone and a few anti anxiety meds. She's doing great and has been clean from heroin for almost a year but is feeling like she has plateaued. I wonder if mindfulness could be a healthy step for her.


Mindless_Button_9378 t1_j6l7snq wrote

I have tried Suboxone, rehabs, mental institutions, all of it. All failed. I read a few articles about mindfulness and took a good look at what I was doing. It was unacceptable and I had to change. Addiction is a disease, feeding that addiction is a choice. I choose not to. It was humbling to see myself for what I was. It was mindfulness that showed me.