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Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j362wxb wrote

There is a difference between free speech and hateful violent fascist lies.


DollyVarden2021 t1_j36vgme wrote

Who gets to decide? You, apparently.


Jam5quares t1_j38mw04 wrote

I don't think fascism is what you think it is.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j39eeta wrote

You have the first part right “I don’t think…” Attempting to violently overthrow the government, trying to purposely disregard legal votes, actively creating a set of fake electors to disqualify votes, etc. ad nauseum is textbook fascist behavior, and you need to know that fast.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j36ga6y wrote

What's a fascist lie?


copperdomebodhi t1_j37o7ix wrote

You're asking this on January 6th? "It was patriotic to try to stop the vote count because the 2020 election was fraudulent," is a lie that supports violence to prevent democracy and install right-wing authoritarianism.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j393s4x wrote

Wouldn't that just be a lie?


copperdomebodhi t1_j395bxg wrote

When it supports violence to prevent democracy and install right-wing authoritarianism, that makes it a fascist lie.


i_have_thick_loads OP t1_j396kw9 wrote

Isn't that just a lie or a lie promoting violence? Also, is fascism just right-wing authoritarianism? Wouldn't that be time variant because right wing today has a different idea cluster than right-wing 80 years ago.