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Gl_drink_0117 t1_j4lccmb wrote

I am born and brought up to be vegan. However, with mainly carbs being major part of most of vegan diets, things start getting messed up much sooner in the body. This is from lot of research online over past 4 years. Some research online exists


Sadmiral8 t1_j4lcxr1 wrote

Sure, care to reference some of that research? Since most research seems to show the opposite on plant-based diets.


Gl_drink_0117 t1_j4lj8fs wrote

For starters look up Dr berg and Dr Ekberg on YouTube. Tons of issues related to carbs. Some veggies have phytates, lectins and so on. Need to careful there as well. Lot of my family members issues started reducing once we started carbs. Triglycerides came in normal range, so is glucose, and VLDL