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-Daetrax- t1_j4i6cmu wrote

Perhaps this will get some more research into IBS treatment going.


accidental_snot t1_j4jsc46 wrote

Hijacking your comment to say that my IBS started when Covid did. I could barely leave the house for nearly 3 years. A stupid probiotic from Costco fixed me about 75%. It was bad. Think pressure washer. I still can't handle milk at all, but I like black coffee, so no big loss.


FunnyMathematician77 t1_j4ksdr7 wrote

Curious, do you take vitamin D supplements?


accidental_snot t1_j4l0951 wrote

I used to drink a lot vitamin d supplemented milk and I get enough sunshine. I have never shown Covid symptoms even when both my little kids tested positive.


FunnyMathematician77 t1_j4l3fdf wrote

I see. My IBD started recently as well. I discovered vitamin D helped alleviate some of my symptoms. This is probably because I never go outside anymore.