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D-Noch t1_j4nscm9 wrote

Probably like environmental justice outcomes - is actually kinda/almost funny: if you do the same EJ study in Canada, the magnitude of effect for Black people nose dives back to the mean. The reason is being Black is not as good a predictor of low SES in Canada as it is in the US - and relatedly, geographic sorting, even if close to as extreme by SES, does not parallel race in the same way it does in the US.

Combine perpetually poor nutrition, disproportionately positioned within concentrations of environmental hazards/pollutants, poor environment, poor educational opportunities, little to no desirable employment options, .....then, after waking up to that, ever single fkin day....spend the rest of the day trying to minimize losses while attempting to navigate systemic racism blocking every path to improving conditions - and at any point in time during losing war of attrition, you may very well be murdered by law enforcement officers waging their war of attrition on you.

Can you even fathom the cortisol production?!