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bubblerboy18 t1_j4qp14o wrote

In Georgia there’s more diversity in the middle of Atlanta than in suburbia. It’s really weird honestly. Car centric suburbs overflowing with HOAs that hate wildflowers and maintain grass is a big issue down south.


0range_julius t1_j4qzjkq wrote

>HOAs that hate wildflowers and maintain grass

I guess it's just a matter of taste but I just truly cannot imagine preferring a grass lawn to a meadow of wildflowers.


Jahkral t1_j4reret wrote

The mind of the HOA enforcer is a twisted and warped place defined by technicalities and a blurry aspirational picture of white 1950's suburbia.


Ragfell t1_j4rffw4 wrote

Tall grasses/meadow flowers encourage other kinds of pests (like snakes, opossums, and rats) to live near your home. You ultimately don’t want them that close, because they can come inside (my mom had a snake in her house last year).

I keep a front yard of grass (also easier for some lawn games), but have garden beds for native plants. Healthy compromise.


Claughy t1_j4s34oo wrote

Snakes and possums aren't pests, they keep pests away.


sparklezpotatoes t1_j4sbr72 wrote

and as for rats, cats will keep them out of the home and theyre very skittish. a child playing in a yard of wildflowers and native plants probably wont come into contact with any of those "pests." to the person youre replying to: not all native plant meadows are tall grass and flowers, either. think clover!


seridos t1_j4snim3 wrote

Yes they are, a pest is literally defined by being unwanted. If someone doewnt want them there and they are, they are a pest from their perspective.


Claughy t1_j4sqd25 wrote

Pest is usually defined by being injurious to property, health, or crops. They don't fit the bill and basic human activity will keep them from taking up residence 9 times out of 10, long grass or no.


jimmifli t1_j4rjdy4 wrote

Walking barefoot on grass in the summer is such a beautiful sensory experience. Outside of that I prefer just about everything else.


spacelama t1_j4rnp8d wrote

I did that yesterday after a rainstorm following a godawful hot day. I was surprised at how it felt.


maxximii t1_j4qxv4t wrote

I live in and around Atl, that's not even close to true. The heart of the city is just like any other, maybe a little more green, trees, parks than most. But further out you go from center, the more forests, greenery you find. Our sprawling suburbia is still packed with forests, lakes, rivers, fields. It's still mostly forest if you ever look at it from the sky

But yea, HOAs here are horrible


bubblerboy18 t1_j4rn8ij wrote

It may be that some areas of atlanta have more to offer than some suburbs in terms of access to parks. Where I grew up the only park was a 15 min drive of 3 mile run. In the city the closest park is right out front of the door. Depends where in the city obviously but shared green space is more of a thing inside the perimeter than outside neighborhoods. Of course there are some decent neighborhoods with tons of deer but I still prefer in town nature somehow unless we’re talking national parks


carebearstare93 t1_j4r3kvv wrote

Yup. Had to get a fence in order to have a native garden in my backyard here. Rest of the neighborhood is just Bermuda grass.