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Niccin t1_j4rpi7l wrote

My ex is like this. She can be horrible to people close to her but will bend over backwards to please anybody she doesn't know.

She also has an interest in bonobos. Maybe they're her people?

Edit: typo


cabalavatar t1_j4sdke9 wrote

Narcissists can present this way. They privately take advantage of and abuse people who (they think) won't leave, but buddy up to other people to win them over, always looking for more ego supply to groom.


Niccin t1_j4smm0p wrote

That actually sums up the situation fairly well, scarily enough. After a while it felt to me that she saw people more as resources than anything else.


cabalavatar t1_j4soe5a wrote

Yeeaahh, that's exactly how narcs think. They don't see other people. They see toys, puppets, and sources of admiration for their egos. Relationships are transactional and shallow even tho at the start the narcs will pretend that they're not.

I'm glad that this person is your ex. Narcs are pretty much evil.


GavrielBA t1_j4rq728 wrote

That's the description of me to the tee, as well.