mikerbyrne73 t1_j4uuuio wrote
Make sure you have advance directives in place if you don’t want family members, doctors and possibly lawyers who don’t know your wishes making medical decisions for you.
sonatainthekeyoflife t1_j4v009r wrote
Definitely something everyone should have in place. Just know that if a patient is incapacitated, the family can override advanced directives. It’s also good to speak with your spouse or next of kin and let them know what your wishes would be. You can legally designate a health care power of attorney to make decisions if you trust someone more than your next of kin. And do all way before you need it.
balancedinsanity t1_j4vkeqp wrote
Even that leaves a lot of grey area. There is a pretty wide gap between 'you're dying right now' and ' you had an incident that we can treat but if we don't you will eventually die due to complications from this'.
This is privileged advice, but the best is having someone very close that you have spoken with about end of life issues and also emergency care issues. I.E. you will live but you will have to have a trach/feeding tube/wheelchair for the rest of your life, treat or not?
Quwinsoft t1_j4wcbqp wrote
The stories I have heard, advanced directives are nice to have, but they are not going to stop someone from overriding your wishes.
Nanocyborgasm t1_j4vz6ik wrote
Especially if you know your family members will disregard your wishes.
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