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PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j5h1oyh wrote

Because meat has higher nutrient density. Quit drinking the plant based kool-aid. Literally all of our health problems started in the 70's when they introduced the food pyramid telling people to reduce their meat and saturated fat intake and making breads and grains the entire base of the pyramid. Since the introduction of the food pyramid, obesity and diabetes exploded exponentially. Literally reducing meat intake and replacing fat with sugar for flavor is why we're in this health mess.

In addition, just because plants have a nutrient doesn't mean we absorb it well. There's a reason for example plant based iron is inferior to heme iron, our ability to absorb and use it is so much poorer. Humans are foregut digesters, not hindgut digesters. We have very small large intestines and we lack a cecum. Meanwhile we have extremely acidic stomachs (pH 1.5) and very long small intestines. This ultimately means humans are primed to eating meat, fruit, and tubers, in that order of prioritization. We evolved to eat foods we could absorb quickly and efficiently to provide the energy and nutrient density to fuel our power hungry brains.

Eating less meat isn't the answer at all, cutting out grains, sugar, and seed oils is the answer.


xEman26x t1_j5h7y2i wrote

Are you a nutritionist by any chance?


nebbyb t1_j5iaqfe wrote

Avoiding grains (particularly refined ones) and sugar is a great idea. limiting meat intake (particularly red meat and processed meats) is also associated with better health outcomes. The food pyramid is junk, but eating meat only occasionally in small portions is also a good idea.


DelusionalZ t1_j5m1rxk wrote

With a huge asterisk here; some people have trouble digesting meat over plants, at least anecdotally. My partner cannot eat meats without getting a very upset stomach, though admittedly this occurred in the last year or so, so it could be something else.

I've heard others say they've been vegetarian their whole life because they simply can't process meat normally - perhaps more research is needed on it.


KrustyBoomer t1_j5gx9nr wrote

Because meat is real human food.


[deleted] t1_j5h09hj wrote



PLaTinuM_HaZe t1_j5h2230 wrote

Actually, potatoes and chicken breast have approximately the same potassium content but chicken provides a lot of high quality protein so you're getting far more nutrients eating the chicken than the potatoes which is just starch and a few micronutrients.