All_Hail_Space_Cat t1_j5gs6yk wrote
Food deserts man. For a suoer rich country it's criminal how many areas of the country have little to no acess to grocery stores. Even when they do the health options are priced out.
[deleted] t1_j5hb4d6 wrote
GratefulForGarcia t1_j5jegt2 wrote
Are you talking about the Ingles in West Asheville? We call that one Shingles too and it’s right down the street from a Dollar store
[deleted] t1_j5l892l wrote
HKChad t1_j5i3fyt wrote
These dollar stores drive out grocery stores that sell fresh food and good for you food and cause the food deserts because grocery stores use the processed food to keep the doors open, once they get undercut they can no longer stay open thus close and the only did option becomes processed food, it really should be criminal.
[deleted] t1_j5j1thz wrote
the_real_abraham t1_j5j1ho6 wrote
Not "my falcons fly first class" rich, Just Matryoshka Yacht rich.
[deleted] t1_j5jql6l wrote
[deleted] t1_j5hy2us wrote
p00ponmyb00p t1_j5jlsz3 wrote
I feel like it’s not that wages have gone down so much as there’s a large multiplying of unskilled dumbasses in the population. Sure “wages have gone down” because instead of being 200 million people with only 70 million of them working with 50% being skilled, now there’s 350 million with 200 million working but only 20% of them skilled
[deleted] t1_j5jqdsf wrote
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