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beartheminus t1_j5ir2s6 wrote

It also depends on the product. Epoxy in a tube is like $7 at Walmart. It's $12 at home depot. It's $2 at the dollar store I go to.


Knofbath t1_j5jg9az wrote

But you have to keep in mind that the tube the dollar store sells is never the same size as the tube at Walmart or Home Depot. $2 tube is maybe enough for a single repair, but always check the quantity you are getting for each price.

Another thing to be wary of is "fillers", cheap non-reactive ingredients that increase volume/weight, but aren't considered the primary product. In the case of ice cream, the amount of air whipped into it during mixing can be significantly different for different brands, and ice cream is sold by volume.


MissCellania t1_j5jafjc wrote

Food is overpriced at both. Dollar Tree seems cheap because everything is $1.25, but the same can of beans is 60 cents at a supermarket. But if you don't have a car to get to the supermarket, you have little choice.