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purepersistence OP t1_j6u86tk wrote

>And at some point manipulate some humans to give it a more physical presence on the world.

There's too much fear around AI for people to let that happen. In future generations maybe - that's off subject. But young people alive today will not witness control being taken away from them.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j6u9g7q wrote

It's not like they have a choice anyway. Whatever will be, will be.

The medical doctor Gatling once thought his weapon invention will stop all wars in the future. He was wrong, everyone got machine guns instead.

Scientists once thought the atomic bomb will give the USA ultimate power to enforce peace. They were wrong, the knowledge how to make them has spread instead. Most countries exept the very low end ones can build nuclear weapons within 6 months now.

Once knowledge is discovered, it will spread among mankind for good or worse. Someone will develop an AGI somewhere at some point.